J. Reichert, A, Jabs, P. Slickers, J. Sühnel,
The IMB Jena Image Library of Biological Macromolecules,
Nucleic Acids Research (in press) - 2000 NAR Biological Database Issue

The Base Pair Directory

The Base Pair Directory belongs to the division with basic information on the architecture of bioloymers. It offers a compilation of all possible base pairs with at least two standard hydrogen bonds. Work on more unusual base pairs with only one standard hydrogen bond and one C-H...O or C-H...N contact or on water-mediated pairs is in progress. All base pairs can be displayed in PDF and VRML format. In Figure 5 an example is given.

Figure 5. Example of an UU base pair (1da3 stands for a special base-base H-bond motif).

UU 4-carbonyl-N3, symmetric 

C4     C4

  • Tinoco compilation: 
    • yes (pyrimidine-pyrimidine base pairs, U.U 4-carbonyl-N3, symmetric) 
  • Westhof compilation: 
    • yes (n) 
  • Jeffrey/Saenger compilation: 
    • yes (UU4) 
UU base pair
